Sunday, July 20, 2014

So, the week after Scout Camp the Beans come.  It was fun meeting with them again.  Me and Kimball really enjoyed playing Battlefront together.  And it turns out he's also a Scratch programmer.  We played with the Beans, we had a lot of fun, played Mafia several times and Bang, sometimes we had brownies, and it was sad to see them go.

Last week, we went on a Houston trip.  Monday, the Beans left.  And Tuesday we were in the car for 5 hours without any media.  And the first thing I said when we got to our Galveston hotel was, "This place is too nice.  I don't like it."  After that we went to the beach and after that we went to a hotel pool.   And then on Wednesday, we checked out of the hotel and we went to Nasa.  And we got to meet this one guy that apparently worked at Nasa for 40 years and already retired and he kept on volunteering at it.  And he had tons of inside stories that he shared from Gemini to Apollo to space shuttle missions.  After that we went to the Kemah Boardwalk and me and Emma had a blast on the Wipeout attraction.

Thursday, we went to the Children's Museum and we had a lot of fun.  My favorite section was the inventing section because inventing is what I like to do.  And half way through one of the exhibits, this one person came up to us and asked if we would like to film on the news for some balloons.  And we said, "Yes."  At first I thought it was a fake one like a mini news center they had in the Children's Museum, but that I learned it was a real news station and a real product.  After that we went to the Museum of Natural Science and it was really cool to see some of the skeletons and the gems.

On Friday, we went to the Aquarium and I got to feed and pet a sting ray which was really fun.  And we also got to see the white tigers.  And I was a bit bummed when Mom wouldn't let me go to a thing where you could sleep next to the white tigers overnight.  (White tigers are my favorite animal.)  After that we went over to Janet's and we talked and played with our cousins and sang Lizzy "Happy birthday."

And on Saturday we went to James' baptism and afterwards we back to their house and we played.  And then later that day we started our long drive home.

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